Will it be given a condom if you buy a sexy underwear?
Everyone wants to have sexy and confident, and sexy underwear can help you achieve this goal.When buying sexy underwear, you may find that some merchants will give condoms.You may be confused, why do you give a condom when you buy sexy underwear?In this article, we will explore this issue and provide some solutions.
What is sexy sheet
Before we discuss this issue in depth, we need to first understand what is sexy underwear.Interest underwear is a kind of external underwear, which aims to enhance sexual experience and sexual attractiveness.Interest underwear can have different design and colors, such as sexy, flesh, streamlined, grid, and other appearances.Sex underwear is usually a material or leather material. It is decorated with lace. There may also be beads, leather, buttons, satin and other decorations.Interest underwear is a good way to make you more confident and sexy in bed.
Interest underwear and condoms
Let us go back to the problem itself.When buying a sexy underwear, will you receive a condom?The answer is "yes" and "not" both.Many sexy underwear merchants provide supporting condoms to ensure that customers do not infect sexually transmitted diseases or accidentally pregnant when using sexy underwear.
Why does the sexy underwear merchant provide condoms
The use of sexy underwear is usually used for sexual behavior and excitement, which means that sexual contact may occur when using sex underwear.Using condoms is one of the important methods for protecting themselves and each other. Interesting underwear merchants understand this and choose to provide supporting condoms.However, this does not mean that all sexy underwear merchants will provide condoms.
Do you need a condom to buy sex underwear?
Do I need a supporting condom when buying sexy underwear?This depends on yourself.Although it is good for sexy underwear merchants to provide condoms, this does not mean that you must use it.If you already have your own condom or feel that you don’t need to use it, then you can refuse this gift.The most important thing is to ensure that appropriate contraceptive measures must be used when sexual behavior is carried out.
How to choose a sexy underwear that suits you
Now, you have learned about the relationship between sexy underwear and condoms. Let’s share some techniques to buy sexy underwear to ensure that you choose the most suitable underwear for you:
1. Consider color.Different colors are suitable for different skin and hair color.You can choose color according to your preferences and personal characteristics.
2. Understand design.The design of sexy underwear is diverse, and each design has its unique way of use and sexy.Choosing a design that suits you can make you more confident.
3. The size is appropriate.The size of sexy underwear is also very important. Excessive size or too small will affect the use effect.Please note that the size of sexy underwear is usually smaller than conventional underwear.
4. Understand the materials.All sexy underwear materials are different, so choose the material that suits you.For example, silk and hemp materials are both soft and comfortable, while leather and PVC materials are more sexy.
in conclusion
When buying sexy underwear, you may receive supporting condom gifts.This is a service provided by sexy underwear merchants to make people using sexy underwear more secure.But this does not mean that you must use it.The most important thing is that you need to ensure that the appropriate contraceptive method is used in any case to ensure the safety of yourself and the other party.
If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com